Stay Hungry. Stay foolish

Well it's a known fact that every roses has its thorn. There is no admiration in this world that does not have pain beneath it. To gain something you have to loose something. Every good thing has its price. We see our real heroes to have good life, their magnetic glamor that pull us towards them. But did this all comes without sacrifice. The answer is no. Well today i was just shuffling through YouTube and looking about chairman Steve jobs presentation about iPhone. I saw a video of Standford university where Steve jobs was the chief speaker. When my friend Sumit strongly recommended me to see this i started to watch this. It started with very brief about the Steve jobs and mostly talking about the good thing but when the Steve turns in, it was totally different. Apparently the man connected his life's dot and told the dog-ear pages. Well telling this story will be a serious mistake from my side and i strongly suggest you to watch and feel that what does it means to "Stay Hungry. Stay foolish" Feel the speech.